Located on 400 hectares of pristine countryside, nestled between idyllic Wattle Trees and various natural springs. This is the home of the legendary Wattlespring Sports Club.
Located just 20 minutes from Pretoria East, we boast world class clay pigeon shooting ranges, rifle ranges as well as handgun ranges.
We offer something for the whole family, with a delicious offering of food at our friendly family restaurant.
Continuously evolving, Wattlespring Sports Club offers the experienced shooter to the complete beginner, the opportunity to escape, unwind and experience the thrill of sporting excellence, within beautiful surroundings.
Upcoming :
As of February 1st :
Wattlespring will now be opened until 22:00pm every Saturday of the month.
Join us for Live Entertainment, Amazing Cocktails & Great Drink Specials
Operational Hours :
Mondays - Closed
Tuesday - 08:00 till 16:30
Wednesday - 08:00 till 16:30
Thursday - 08:00 till 16:30
Friday - 08:00 till 16:30
Saturday - 08:00 till 16:30
Sunday - 08:00 till 16:30
Public Holidays - 08:00 till 16:30 -